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Many congregations want to distrubute their newsletters in ways other than paper.
[http://www.lingshengdown.com 铃声]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com 彩信]
[http://sjls.lingshengdown.com 手机铃声]
[http://sjlsxz.lingshengdown.com 手机铃声下载]
[http://lsxz.lingshengdown.com 铃声下载] 
[http://sxsjlsxz.lingshengdown.com 三星手机铃声下载] 
[http://mflsxz.lingshengdown.com 免费铃声下载]
[http://mfsjlsxz.lingshengdown.com 免费手机铃声下载] 
[http://ltsjlsxz.lingshengdown.com 联通手机铃声下载] 
[http://xltlsxz.lingshengdown.com 小灵通铃声下载] 
[http://njysjlsxz.lingshengdown.com 诺基亚手机铃声下载] 
[http://hxls.lingshengdown.com 和弦铃声] 
[http://mfsjls.lingshengdown.com 免费手机铃声] 
[http://mfls.lingshengdown.com 免费铃声] 
[http://cxxc.shoujicaixin.com 彩信相册]
[http://cxtp.shoujicaixin.com 彩信图片]
[http://cxxz.shoujicaixin.com 彩信下载]
[http://sjtp.shoujicaixin.com 手机图片] 
[http://sxsj.shoujicaixin.com 三星手机] 
[http://njysj.shoujicaixin.com 诺基亚手机] 
[http://sjdx.shoujicaixin.com 手机短信] 
[http://gxdx.shoujicaixin.com 搞笑短信] 
[http://ymdx.shoujicaixin.com 幽默短信] 
[http://dxxh.shoujicaixin.com 短信笑话] 
[http://jddx.shoujicaixin.com 经典短信] 
[http://mfdx.shoujicaixin.com 免费短信] 
[http://mffdx.shoujicaixin.com 免费发短信] 
[http://www.cbbi.cn 中国图书商情网]
One option is to offer to send the newsletter out as an email attachment. This is
[http://wapzhijia.com WAP]
[http://www.54epson.com 爱普生]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com 投影机/投影仪]
[http://www.lucking.com.cn 周易]
[http://www.96d2.com 图书]
[http://www.printer.net.cn 打印机]
[http://sms.bjicp.net 短信]
[http://expresscompany.newboyu.com 快递公司|快件公司]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com 铃声]
* Cheaper (You can have members opt-out of getting it in the mail, so it saves in postage and paper).
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/caixin.htm 彩信中心]
* Faster (It is instantaneous, once you create it, it can be sent out to a website or e-mail list instantly).
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/hexian.htm 和弦铃声|和弦铃声下载]
* Online (it can be easily searched and archived)
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/texiao.htm 特效铃声下载|下载手机铃声|手机图片下载]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/caiping.htm 彩屏图片下载|下载手机铃声|手机图片下载]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/caixinzx.htm 手机铃声下载|彩信下载|手机图片下载]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/dingyue.htm 手机铃声订阅]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/zhuanti.htm 手机铃声专题下载|下载手机铃声|手机图片下载]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/zixie.htm 自写彩信]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/wap.htm WAP--全网WAP服务]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/paihangbang.htm 手机铃声下载排行榜|下载手机铃声|手机图片下载]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/site.htm 站点地图]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/hudie/ 两只蝴蝶]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/laoshuaidami/ 老鼠爱大米]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/7_1.htm 业界动态]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/1_1.htm 铃声资源]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/3_1.htm 铃声软件]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/9_1.htm 免费短信]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/8_1.htm 短信软件]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/8_1.htm 短信资源]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/10_1.htm 彩信资源]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/11_1.htm 彩信软件]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/5_1.htm 幽默笑话]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com/infosort/6_1.htm 明星写真]
Another option is to post the newsletter, or part of it, on a web site.  Many congregations consider part of the newsletter to be inappropriate for worldwide public access, and thus avoid this, or pull sections out the newsletter before posting it.  (In fact the UUA [http://www.uua.org/CONG/newsonline.html endorses] these privacy concerns.)  But it can make the content much more widely available and serve as wonderful outreach for the congregation.
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com 彩信]
==Format options==
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/hexian.htm 和弦铃声/和弦铃声下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/texiao.htm 特效铃声/特效铃声下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/caiping.htm 彩信图片下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/caixin.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/dingyue.htm 彩信订阅中心]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zhuanti.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声专题]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zixie.htm 自写彩信]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zizhu.htm 自助彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/paihang.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声排行榜]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/cooperate.htm 友情链接]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/partner.htm 合作伙伴]
[http://www.cbbi.cn 中国图书商情网]
* People can view it and print it, needing only a free PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat or xpdf.
[http://bbs.cbbi.cn 图书论坛]
* It looks the same on every machine.
* It is easy to send as an email attachment
[http://www.bjicp.net 代办icp]
[http://printer.bjicp.net 票据打印机]
[http://printer.bjicp.net 支票打印机]
[http://sms.bjicp.net 短信]
[http://www.bjicp.com ICP代办]
HTML is generally much better than pdf for providing information via the web.
[http://www.bjicp.com 代办ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.com ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.com ICP办理]
[http://www.bjicp.com ICP证]
[http://www.bjicp.com 北京ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.com ICP经营许可证]
[http://www.bjicp.com 申请ICP经营许可证]
http://www.bjicp.com/images/braintemp_1.jpg{nid GFY}
* The aspect ratio (which is usually not 4:3) and size of the pages in a PDF document is a poor match for a computer screen. So reading PDF on-line is generally a worse experience than reading HTML. With good HTML, the user can choose a font size and a window width so the text is easy to read, and the paragraphs are laid out to match the user's preference. But with PDF the user has no choice of line length. At a nice font size the page often doesn't fit on the screen. Reading 2-column output requires either a small font or lots of up-and-down scrolling. Headers and footers and page breaks get in the way.
* PDF information is less accessibile than HTML, e.g. for those with vision impairments.
* PDF is designed for printing, not browsing or sharing articles to be reused in other publications. When the user does a copy-and-paste of text, it all ends up in one blob with paragraphs, lists, etc. all mushed together into one unformatted paragraph. Words that contain ligatures (like when "fi" is represented by a single joined printing symbol) will often be garbled. Often the entire selection doesn't show up in the clipboard. Problems with hyphenation and multiple columns, etc. often crop up.
* Images are embedded, so they aren't easy to pull out as a .jpg or .gif file for reuse.
* Hyperlinks work badly. Relative hyperlinks are generally preferable but don't work on some platforms. Putting it all in one file to avoid this handicap makes it slower and harder to just read one part of the document.
* PDF files are usually larger than a simple HTML version.
* PDF documents are harder to reuse since they are not an editable source format and the formatting instructions are gone.
* PDF is a proprietary format. Control over the evolution of the format is not managed by an open standards body, so those who standardize on PDF are vulnerable to future changes Adobe (or some future company that might buy Adobe) makes.
* Programs that create PDF are less available or cost more money than programs to produce HTML.
* PDF "Security" is sometimes viewed by producers as a useful feature, but it is mostly useful "for keeping honest people honest". Anything that someone can view on the screen can be captured for use elsewhere, so it won't protect you from plagarizers, etc. Features like printing or saving to a file can be made more difficult, but simply can't be prevented.
[http://www.bjicp.net ICP代办]
===Microsoft Word===
[http://www.bjicp.net 代办ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.net ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.net ICP办理]
[http://www.bjicp.net ICP证]
[http://www.bjicp.net 北京ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.net ICP经营许可证]
[http://www.bjicp.net 申请ICP经营许可证]
http://www.bjicp.net/images/logo.jpg {nid GFY}
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP代办]
Closed, proprietary formats like Microsoft Word are a bad choice for disemination of information online.
[http://www.bjicp.org 代办ICP]
See http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/attachments.html  for information on the problems with Word, involving access, privacy, security, cost, freedom, and for tips on how to convert Word documents into more appropriate formats.
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP办理]
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP证]
[http://www.bjicp.org 北京ICP]
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP经营许可证]
[http://www.bjicp.org 申请ICP经营许可证]
http://www.bjicp.org/image/s2.gif{nid GFY}
==See Also==
* [http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/pdf-vs-html.html PDF vs HTML]
[http://www.wapzhijia.com WAP之家]
[http://bjicp.freewebpage.org icp]
[http://epointer.freewebpage.org 电子教鞭]
[http://glovebox.freewebpage.org 手套箱]
[http://www.yucaibooks.com 教辅图书]
[http://www.086books.com 书稿]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 在线翻译]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 英语翻译]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 英文翻译]
[http://www.newboyu.com  网站推广]
[http://modulepower.newboyu.com 模块电源]
[http://cisco.newboyu.com 思科|Cisco]
[http://buick.newboyu.com 别克专卖]
[http://gprs.newboyu.com gprs]
[http://hunqing.newboyu.com 北京婚庆网] 
[http://buick.newboyu.com  别克]
[http://google.newboyu.com Google排名]
[http://qicheshipin.newboyu.com 汽车饰品]
[http://expresscompany.newboyu.com 快递公司|快件公司]
[http://marketresearch.newboyu.com 市场调查]
[http://www.printer.net.cn 中国打印机网]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/inkjet_printer.html 喷墨打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/Laser_Printer.html 激光打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/Dot_Matrix_Printer.html 针式打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/Dye_Sublimation_Printer.html 热升华打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/impact_printer.html 英文打字机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/integrative_printer.html 一体化速印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/multifunctional_printer.html 多功能一体机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/cheque_printer.html 支票打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/bill_printer.html 票据打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/card_printer.html 证卡打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/label_printer.html 标签打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/code_printer.html 条码打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/big_printer.html 大幅面打印机]
[http://www.printer.net.cn/duplicating_macline.html 复印机]
[http://bbs.printer.net.cn 打印机论坛]
[http://www.copyok.net 复印|装订]
[http://www.copyok.net 专业复印]
[http://www.copyok.net 专业装订]
[http://www.gloveboxes.cn 手套箱]
[http://www.gloveboxes.com.cn 手套箱]
[http://www.086books.com/typeset.htm 方正排版,飞腾排版]
[http://www.086books.com/typeset.htm 排版设计]
[http://www.086books.com/typeset.htm 图文排版]
[http://www.086books.com/typeset.htm 打字排版]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 英汉翻译]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 翻译网站]
[http://www.086books.com/translate.htm 翻译公司]
[http://www.chinakj.net 快递公司|快件公司]
[http://labelprinter.printer.net.cn 标签打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com 爱普生|epson]
[http://www.54epson.com/links.htm 爱普生-友情连接]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonprinter.htm 爱普生打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonpenmo.htm 爱普生喷墨打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonjiguang.htm 爱普生激光打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonzhenshi.htm 爱普生针式打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonzhaopian.htm 爱普生照片打印机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonshuma.htm 爱普生数码相机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsontouying.htm 爱普生投影机]
[http://www.54epson.com/epsonhaocai.htm 爱普生耗材]
[http://www.54epson.com 爱普生网站]
[http://www.logowap.com 巡更]
[http://www.cnMarketingResearch.com 市场调查]
[http://www.bjicp.org ICP]
[http://www.chinafurnace.net 电炉]
[http://www.jiguang.org 激光]
[http://www.jiguang.org/carve.htm 雕刻机]
[http://www.jiguang.org/cut.htm 激光切割]
[http://www.jiguang.org/mark.htm 激光打标]
[http://www.jiguang.org/weld.htm 激光焊接]
[http://www.jiguang.org/drill.htm 激光打孔]
[http://www.jiguang.org/engrave.htm 激光雕刻]
[http://www.logowap.com 巡更]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com 投影机|投影仪]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/TOSHIBA.html 东芝投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/HP.html HP投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Philips.html 飞利浦投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Benq.html 明基投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/IBM.html IBM投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/PLUS.html 普乐士投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Canon.html 佳能投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/sitemap.html 站内地图]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/ASK.html ASK投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Proxima.html 宝施玛投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Sony.html 索尼投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Panasonic.html 松下投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Epson.html 爱普生投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/EIKI.html EIKI投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Lg.html LG投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/index.html 投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/NEC.html NEC投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/LUXEON.html 丽讯投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/SANYO.html 三洋投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Digitalchina.html 神州数码投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/3M.html 3M投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Lenovo.html 联想投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/ViewSonic.html 优派投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/index.html 投影仪]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Optoma.html 奥图码投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Mitsubishi.html 三菱投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Cxdv.html 晨星投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/INFOCUNS.html 富可视投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Sharp.html 夏普投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/Ljdv.html 利景投影机]
[http://www.chinaprojectors.com/FUJITSU.html 富士通投影机]
[http://www.bamigreenhouse.com.cn 温室]
[http://www.bamigreenhouse.com.cn GREENHOUSE]
[http://www.lucking.com.cn 周易]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net MP4]
[http://databack.bjicp.net 磁盘阵列]
[http://www.96d2.com 图书]
[http://www.gloveboxes.com.cn/solvent-purification.htm 溶剂纯化]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net MP4]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net MP4播放器]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/1/index.htm mp4播放器简介]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/2/index.htm 关于mp4播放器]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/3/index.htm mp4播放器历史] 
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/4/index.htm mp4播放器技术] 
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/5/index.htm mp4播放器背景] 
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/6/index.htm 国内mp4播放器] 
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/7/index.htm 国际mp4播放器] 
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/8/index.htm mp4播放器发展]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/9/index.htm mp4播放器沿革]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/hpv800.htm MP4-MPV800]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/hpv810.htm MP4-MPV810]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/hpv820.htm MP4-MPV820]
[http://mp4.bjicp.net/lipin.htm MP4-礼品包装]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com 彩信]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/hexian.htm 和弦铃声/和弦铃声下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/texiao.htm 特效铃声/特效铃声下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/caiping.htm 彩信图片下载]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/caixin.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/dingyue.htm 彩信订阅中心]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zhuanti.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声专题]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zixie.htm 自写彩信]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/zizhu.htm 自助彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/paihang.htm 彩信图片|彩信下载|彩信铃声排行榜]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/cooperate.htm 友情链接]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/partner.htm 合作伙伴]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/7_1.htm 业界动态]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/1_1.htm 铃声资源]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/3_1.htm 铃声软件]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/9_1.htm 免费短信]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/8_1.htm 短信软件]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/8_1.htm 短信资源]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/10_1.htm 彩信资源]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/11_1.htm 彩信软件]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/5_1.htm 幽默笑话]
[http://www.shoujicaixin.com/infosort/6_1.htm 明星写真]
[http://www.lingshengdown.com 铃声]
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[http://www.lingshengdown.com/hexian.htm 和弦铃声|和弦铃声下载]
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Revision as of 18:16, 4 May 2005

Many congregations want to distrubute their newsletters in ways other than paper.


One option is to offer to send the newsletter out as an email attachment. This is

  • Cheaper (You can have members opt-out of getting it in the mail, so it saves in postage and paper).
  • Faster (It is instantaneous, once you create it, it can be sent out to a website or e-mail list instantly).
  • Online (it can be easily searched and archived)


Another option is to post the newsletter, or part of it, on a web site. Many congregations consider part of the newsletter to be inappropriate for worldwide public access, and thus avoid this, or pull sections out the newsletter before posting it. (In fact the UUA endorses these privacy concerns.) But it can make the content much more widely available and serve as wonderful outreach for the congregation.

Format options


  • People can view it and print it, needing only a free PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat or xpdf.
  • It looks the same on every machine.
  • It is easy to send as an email attachment


HTML is generally much better than pdf for providing information via the web.

  • The aspect ratio (which is usually not 4:3) and size of the pages in a PDF document is a poor match for a computer screen. So reading PDF on-line is generally a worse experience than reading HTML. With good HTML, the user can choose a font size and a window width so the text is easy to read, and the paragraphs are laid out to match the user's preference. But with PDF the user has no choice of line length. At a nice font size the page often doesn't fit on the screen. Reading 2-column output requires either a small font or lots of up-and-down scrolling. Headers and footers and page breaks get in the way.
  • PDF information is less accessibile than HTML, e.g. for those with vision impairments.
  • PDF is designed for printing, not browsing or sharing articles to be reused in other publications. When the user does a copy-and-paste of text, it all ends up in one blob with paragraphs, lists, etc. all mushed together into one unformatted paragraph. Words that contain ligatures (like when "fi" is represented by a single joined printing symbol) will often be garbled. Often the entire selection doesn't show up in the clipboard. Problems with hyphenation and multiple columns, etc. often crop up.
  • Images are embedded, so they aren't easy to pull out as a .jpg or .gif file for reuse.
  • Hyperlinks work badly. Relative hyperlinks are generally preferable but don't work on some platforms. Putting it all in one file to avoid this handicap makes it slower and harder to just read one part of the document.
  • PDF files are usually larger than a simple HTML version.
  • PDF documents are harder to reuse since they are not an editable source format and the formatting instructions are gone.
  • PDF is a proprietary format. Control over the evolution of the format is not managed by an open standards body, so those who standardize on PDF are vulnerable to future changes Adobe (or some future company that might buy Adobe) makes.
  • Programs that create PDF are less available or cost more money than programs to produce HTML.
  • PDF "Security" is sometimes viewed by producers as a useful feature, but it is mostly useful "for keeping honest people honest". Anything that someone can view on the screen can be captured for use elsewhere, so it won't protect you from plagarizers, etc. Features like printing or saving to a file can be made more difficult, but simply can't be prevented.

Microsoft Word

Closed, proprietary formats like Microsoft Word are a bad choice for disemination of information online. See http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/attachments.html for information on the problems with Word, involving access, privacy, security, cost, freedom, and for tips on how to convert Word documents into more appropriate formats.

See Also