User:Ycrepeau/Social Networking

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A new phenomenon has raised on the Internet: the social networking sites. Everyone these days seems to have his/her own account on Facebook, MySpace, Tweeter, Flicker and co. This text is an attempt to create a reference pages on how these tools can empower our congregations when working to defend social justice.

I am member of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco. My Church is deeply involved in the battle for Marriage Equality. So, the text here will use the "Repeal prop 8" as a case example BUT we have to keep in mind that these tools can be used to mobilize our members for a much larger number of issues: Water as human right, abolition of death penalty, opposition to torture, closing Guantanamo, etc. etc. etc.

The Tools

  • Facebook
  • MySpace
  • Tweeter
  • Flickr
  • Wiki(s)
  • SMS (texting)

Web based applications

Desktop based applications

For Windows
For Mac OS X
For Linux

Mobile phone (cellular) application

Samsung Black Jack
RIM Blackberry